The PROPERTY DOCTORS, Sydney Australia Novak Properties


Mark Novak, Billy Drury Season 29 Episode 1386

What's the invisible force that sets successful real estate agents apart? It's not their marketing, their negotiation skills, or even their market knowledge. It's something far more fundamental yet often overlooked: energy.

"Energy is just an attitude." This deceptively simple statement holds profound implications for anyone in real estate. When two identical properties with identical marketing strategies yield drastically different results, the differentiating factor often comes down to the agent's energy. That consistent enthusiasm creates momentum, urgency, and trust – the holy trinity of successful property campaigns.

Think about people you admire. What clues do they leave behind? Almost invariably, it's their consistent energy that stands out. But this doesn't mean pretending to be a perpetually bouncy, highly-caffeinated personality. As we explore in this episode, maintaining a steady "six out of ten" energy level consistently is far more effective than swinging wildly between highs and lows. Power equals energy over time, and that consistency builds the trust that leads to extraordinary results.

On those inevitable low-energy days, it's not about lying to yourself with empty affirmations. Instead, we discuss practical strategies for shifting your mindset by focusing on positive facts and surrounding yourself with an environment that naturally elevates your energy. The beauty of energy as your secret weapon? Unlike most business resources, it's completely free – a commodity you can generate with your mind that creates immense value for yourself and everyone around you.

Ready to transform your business through the power of consistent, authentic energy? Listen now and discover how this simple attitude adjustment could be the missing ingredient in your recipe for success. Then share your energy strategies in the comments – we'd love to hear what works for you!

Speaker 1:

Trading energy secrets this morning. What is the difference with energy, with agents? What is the difference? Why is the difference? Does it matter? Stay tuned, I'm the ringleader, so I'm alive, billy. Why are we talking about this topic?

Speaker 2:

Because I came to Mark this morning with my quote of the day, which was found over the weekend. I genuinely can't remember who I heard it from. However it is, energy is just an attitude. I'll say it again Energy is just an attitude. It doesn't sound overcomplicated, but where I heard this was from someone talking about energy and they said the difference there's the difference between someone winning the lottery is actually nothing in that split second. It's just their attitude changed life's good.

Speaker 1:

And I responded and said power.

Speaker 2:

The formula for power is energy over time yeah, yeah, I'm pretty passionate about this, though I've been really mindful about energy in general. I like just trying to give it some attention, some focus, and I think if you're walking around in a conscious state, you're thinking about something and then it's obviously going to be working for you. Um, like, I think this is relevant for everyone, not just real estate agents, but particularly real estate agents that are going in to talk with homeowners about representing their biggest asset. Like you've got to be game on gotta be good energy.

Speaker 1:

Now have a good. Have a good think about people that you admire by everyone. I want you to have a good thing about people you admire. By the way, this is a live show. If you want to make any comments, have any questions, let us know on the novak facebook channel. Um, let's have a think about someone we know, that we love, that we admire in life, in business. Let's think about their energy, because success leaves clues. It leaves clues. What are the clues that those people leave behind? Billy, think of that person. Tell me about the clues they leave behind.

Speaker 2:

Well, I won't just tell you a person, let's keep it relevant for everyone here but um energy sells. Energy sells um and in real estate, um an agent's energy can make or break a deal um the right mindset. Enthusiasm, um it doesn't just attract buyers, it creates momentum, urgency and trust. I reckon those three things are critical to a good result and a good campaign. Enthusiasm creates momentum, urgency and trust. That's a really big thing.

Speaker 1:

Really big.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So, even when you put it down to real estate, we have marketing campaigns, same property, same market, same advertising, but the agent nails the sale and the first one didn't. Could you relate that back to energy?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely, and it's like it's, I guess, setting a high standard if you're trying to carry yourself consistently right across the campaign. Because the other thing is you don't want someone who comes in really happy, jolly, pumped just on the presentation and then tapers off after they've effectively signed the listing, like you want someone who's going to hold that consistently all the way through. And if it's an auction campaign or in a tricky market, you're at least four weeks three to four weeks is the median days on market but sometimes that pushes out and like there's such thing as agent fatigue and you sometimes look at a campaign that's been on the market a couple of months and you're wondering what went wrong, what's changed between day one and day 42 or 56, and it's definitely the energy's gone, there is fatigue. Human beings are the end of the day.

Speaker 1:

But doesn't that mean that you're lying to yourself when you are having a low day or a shit day? Doesn't that mean it's like false? It's an attitude. It's an attitude.

Speaker 2:

It's an attitude and I get them. I'm tired, I had a busy weekend, works, open homes, tired, and I was going to wake up this morning and then make a bit of a complaint about it. But if you can just try and switch it on its head it doesn't take much then I reckon it can turn your whole day around. It's hard to do but it can.

Speaker 1:

If you are having a bad day, if you are having a low energy day, if you have got out of the wrong side of the bed and you do tell yourself, you do lie to yourself and say nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, it's all gonna be okay, it's all gonna be, it's all gonna be all right, it's all gonna be.

Speaker 1:

That's one thing. I actually enforce it with facts to shroud and to push out those feelings. I'll give you an example. So if I'm just buggered and it's been back to back to back weekend family staff didn't get any time to rest instead of saying no, no, no, you've got energy, smile, you're not tired, go, I actually bring up the factual stuff around it and go okay, well, I know I've been shagged over the weekend, but I look at the positive experiences of what I got out of those things and I use those things to fuel me into the next day. So I'm not lying to myself, saying, oh, yeah, you put a smile on your dial. I'm saying I'm actually backing it with good, solid facts out there. So I think if you, if you can justify stuff in your brain like I see, you know our business coach, wayne Hughes yep, he's a happy guy right, 21 years of training, seeing him every Thursday for four hours.

Speaker 1:

The guy has never had a bad day. It actually really shits me.

Speaker 2:

Well, so you think, but that's how it does look. I said so you think, so you think he's never had a bad day, but that's genuinely how it? Looks.

Speaker 1:

I like the 21 fortnightly Thursdays. That's all I've seen. I see the guy at eight in the morning and he's like it's just that attitude. It's unbelievable. It's that energy, it's unbelievable. And I do have to say, bill, I think the consistency, like you know how I gave you that formula at the beginning power equals work over time, energy over time, work over time. Like I think I think that you know that it's no good being having that great energy for a month or a year. It's just got to be indefinite. You've just got to be riding, and I don't think you have to be riding high, you've just got to be above that average. I don't think you have to be a 10 out of 10 happy, because that's like a clown. But you know, coming from a 2 to a 7 to a 2 to a 7, I reckon it takes out even more energy than just sitting at a six out of ten.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I think, um, but I, I do. I do think that it's the missing, it's the hidden elixir. Um, it's like the missing ingredient. Everyone's got the same ingredients baking the same cake. When it comes to property, the marketing's, you know, relatively similar. Let's, or let's just assume that it's all the same, because that's what people love to do. They, they love to say, yeah, the photographer is just going to come and take the same photos and the floor plan is just going to design the same floor plan. So let's just assume that's all the same. Um, I guess the the representative carrying that enthusiasm, it will create the momentum, um, and it will create a really good result. How old are you? What, say a second? How old are you? 22?

Speaker 1:

okay, I had a guy, yeah, uh, on saturday talk. Uh. I was driving past yes, hi, mark, I like your videos. I was driving past him in warrywood storage unit and I know because I had a buyer with me hi, how are you? And he goes, how's billy going? I said he's going great and he said, um, he made some really positive comments about it. I, I don't think, I don't think you've been, I don't think you've been formally trained on on energy, but what would you say would be the pillars that you've put in place to have to have a? Uh, like you know, I think what we're discussing this morning is the energy's got to be high, but it's got to be consistent, or the energy's got to be higher, but it's got to be consistent, how do you do it?

Speaker 2:

yeah, definitely no formal training. Constant work in progress, um, but where this is where this has come from, is giving it some attention, um, and just treating it like an attitude. That's it environment. Second environment. I love the saying uh, environment loads the gun, nature pulls the trigger um environment helps you surrounding yourself with those, those similar people, and like you're hearing these little quotes, this whole 10 minute topic this morning came from my quote of the weekend. Um yeah, it's just. It's just what you're listening to, but it does help good energy.

Speaker 1:

Good energy, guys and girls. That's the show today. That's a commodity you can buy with your mind for free. It's a commodity that you can sell to people for free. It's a commodity that that makes life better all around. Everyone loves good energy. Have a good Energy Monday, billy Bob.

Speaker 2:

You too Take care.

Speaker 1:

Any famous quotes go out on Billy.

Speaker 2:

Bob, no, no, that's my only quote to the day. Energy is just an attitude, that's it.