The PROPERTY DOCTORS, Sydney Australia Novak Properties
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The PROPERTY DOCTORS, Sydney Australia Novak Properties
Exciting changes are on the horizon for real estate in New South Wales as new zoning laws come into play, offering a range of opportunities for homeowners and investors. In this episode, we explore the transformative impact of these changes, particularly the shift towards low and mid-rise housing, and how it opens the door for greater density and development in suburban regions.
Our expert guests break down the complex zoning classifications, allowing you to grasp what these changes mean for your own property. Whether you own a quaint home or a multi-unit complex, understanding your property's positioning within these new guidelines is crucial for making informed decisions moving forward.
We discuss the direct implications for property values, covering both the potential for financial gain and the accompanying concerns regarding urban development and neighbourhood character. As gentrification becomes a hot topic, we address how these shifts will affect your community's infrastructure and lifestyle. Find out how transportation needs and local amenities are set to evolve with increased density, and discover actionable steps to navigate this landscape confidently.
By the end of this episode, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to assess your property’s potential and identify opportunities to engage positively with local planning processes. Tune in to instigate a proactive approach to your real estate ventures!
Join us, and don't forget to sms the word 'rezone' to zero four six zero, triple one, triple one for direct access to essential resources that will help you understand these changes in-depth. Share, comment, and let us know your thoughts on the evolving real estate landscape!
Guys, the biggest fundamental change I've seen been a real estate agent for 31 years and this is probably the most prolific change I've seen on what's happening in areas around you. We're going to teach you within three minutes to have a look, if you're in the zoning, whether it's going to be change happening next door around or you could be on the money sitting on it. Stay tuned, this is hot, hot, hot.
Speaker 1:This is hot, hot, hot zoning in all over New South Wales, all over Sydney. There's been some massive changes as governments have implemented. From the 28th of this month, you can actually put in a DA against these changes we're talking about. This is very quick.
Speaker 2:Four days, four days from today, or three business days.
Speaker 1:Mr Minns was coming in saying he's going to make big changes and it's happened.
Speaker 2:Yes, what do you reckon, vince? I think it's the biggest game changer, like you mentioned, like everyone's going gonna make a lot of money.
Speaker 1:I think that's what I see. It's huge. Well, I had you know this. And look also, at the same time, people don't like change. So, as agents, we see it and you think you know, maybe a bit money hungry. Wow, wow, wow, zoning, zoning, zoning. But I've had had a couple calls today where people said should we be worried about what's going on up the road next door in our area? Is it gonna be like creating?
Speaker 2:a ghetto in my area.
Speaker 1:I'm like look, let's look at this laterally. What's happened previously? So let's step straight into it, because there's a bit of work to do. We want to show you how to have a look, what can be developed in your area at the moment. So, first of all, if you are within 800 meters of a shopping center, with transport um, you are most likely in the zone. Um all right. So if you're watching, the first step we want you to do is um write down this number zero four60, 111, 111. Do you want to write?
Speaker 2:it yeah.
Speaker 1:Write here 0460 111 111. Okay, now, if you SMS this number, the word rezone, we're going to send you the three steps, the three links of what you need to do to qualify your property, and it only takes three minutes. Rezone, rezone. I can't even press enter, oh you did.
Speaker 1:Okay, rezone, sorry, not resume Rezone. Okay now, if you've done that, what you're going to get? So I'm asking you guys to sms to 0460 111 111, sms the word rezone, and we're going to send you three links. They're state government links. The first one if we're going to open that bids, open that one up. I don't know if we're going to disappear, so this is how you can learn about what zoning can be done on your property or in the surrounding area.
Speaker 1:Now, this applies to units and houses, because you may be living in a unit block where there's more density that can go there. So potentially, you could be in a block of four and you could get 12 units where you are. You could go six storeys where you are. We're going to show you what to do, okay. So the first thing guys you probably can see this here the first link it talks about what we but the whole topic today low and mid-rise housing policy. So this has been introduced because we need. There's a heavy necessity. In New South Wales we were shrouded in compliance NIMBY councils, people were saying so bids take over.
Speaker 1:Tell us what you know.
Speaker 2:First step. First step, I think, is to know what the change is actually. Yep, I think that's my first thing. Something's happening next to me. I want to know what it is, because I'm concerned. Does it affect me? What can I benefit from them? Is there a disadvantage? So I think it's pretty much me finding out what actually is changing. What does that actually mean? So, I think, low to mid-rise housing. I think We've seen a bit of change towards the Western area as up a not sure when the right right area being like.
Speaker 2:I personally live there, so I see this every day, yep, and every time I drive to work, and I wish this was in northern beaches.
Speaker 1:It would be next level duplexes and they look stunning townhouses. That's quality.
Speaker 2:They're getting big prices for them exactly I think. Why are people paying so much money? Yeah, they were nowhere close to water. No, it's nothing, and I come here and sell for the same price. Ocean views. What is the change?
Speaker 1:What are they getting? So?
Speaker 2:I think that's pretty much the whole thing Low to mid-range housing. What does it actually bring in? So basically, we're finding out at your current home can you build a duplex or a townhouse? Yep.
Speaker 1:Or even a four-story or a six-story apartment. If you just tuned in, the answer is most people within 800 meters. There's no eligibility for townhouses, duplexes, units, depending on what they are. One are two are three. We're going to step you through this in a sec. So this is the map.
Speaker 2:Treasure hunting map. The treasure hunting map we're going to click on it, let's go. We're going to say okay, okay, we're going to go to.
Speaker 1:DUI.
Speaker 2:Sure, dui, dui is right here, shining bright.
Speaker 1:There we go. Okay, now I declined. And Manly, they've got confused with this. Yep, manly looks similar. They thought they had to be in the grey area. How wrong they were. Ah, big time. They had to be in the orange area, yep.
Speaker 2:Tell us more bids. Yeah, that is. I think this is big time for people who have been staying here for a while, Anything freestanding. You are in for a big luck. That's been the best thing.
Speaker 1:That's a whopper, and Brookvale and and Balgala and Manly and Monaval there's some whopping suburbs that are getting some huge uplift on zoning, on density changes and I think people always work every time they see a high-rise building oh so many apartments, so many things are happening but if you look, at the stat, like in DY.
Speaker 2:We talk this a lot 10 years ago there were probably 8,000 apartments in DY ish. Now they're barely 9,000 ish, so 10 years. Imagine all the population growth, the immigration, people moving to beaches, yep and in 10 years only barely a thousand apartments been built you're wrong, you're right, it's, it's phenomenal so in that orange area.
Speaker 1:People gonna be asking themselves I am in this orange area, don't forget, there's lots of these orange areas. French's forest is a lot of orange as well. Yep, you can search on this map. This is step one. It's got a step two step two.
Speaker 2:So we will go back to that link we sent you is the sms yes, step two we go bang it.
Speaker 1:so it says what can you say, what can you do in your area? So, guys, um, if you didn't realize, um, your areas, where you generally are, are going to be an r2 zoning or an r3 zoning or an r4 zoning. Um, and then along that, along that top row is, you can do dual occupancies, you can do multi-housing, dwelling and all this different stuff. Now, we're not town planners, we're not trying to be. We're not council, we're not trying to be.
Speaker 1:We're local real estate agents that just had some legislation come through and we're going. What does this mean to our customers? So we're working this out as much as you're trying to work this out. But here is the source this is the New South Wales source.
Speaker 2:Minimum lot size beats 450, 450 square meters, that's.
Speaker 1:I think previously was 650, that's for block. Oh, this is fit.
Speaker 2:This is works out to 225 per block yep, and kid you not, I've five-bedroom house with two garages in a 220-square-meter block.
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:And it's like a perfect floor, but nothing is squashed. It's like the perfect functional floor. Yep, so 450-square-meter block a duplex A and B Okay, it's a female each.
Speaker 1:This is for most. Yeah, this is for most. This isn't even within those areas of the orange areas. Those orange areas are the exciting ones. Now, that's if we click over to multi-housing. Or should we add your locumency? Yep, multi-housing terraces, yep. What do you need for that? Bang 500 square metres, yep, 500. What do you need for that? Bang 500. And you can do townhouses? Yeah, 0.5.
Speaker 2:There's your fsrs, blah blah what do you need for unit?
Speaker 1:block bids unit block only 500. This is good, that's every other house okay, permitted in r2, permit in r2, r3, already permitted in R1 and R4. So now this is the distance that I was talking about. They want you to be close. They want you, if you're R3 and you're 0 to 400 from a town centre, you are on a winner 22 metres high. That's six storeys.
Speaker 2:It's going to be game changer.
Speaker 1:I think the next few years.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're gonna be gonna see a lot of change everywhere, and it's a good change, yeah, and I think with good change comes a big development. We'll see lots of uplift happening. Massey, do you have?
Speaker 1:any. I do actually Up there anyone on the stream, let's see who, who, who, who, who, who.
Speaker 2:So this guy's a bit weird. No questions, no questions, no nothing on the phone.
Speaker 1:Live show, guys. You can ask any time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, put down in the comments. Cool, we'll go back here, yeah, so step three. Let's do step three. Good so far. I'm excited what's happening.
Speaker 1:So I guess here is if you want to know, if you're an art to an r3, it's what you are, where you are. You guys, even if you're a unit block, you can still do further density if you're an r3 zoning, so don't think. I didn't get our three. It's good for units. You want to do more units this?
Speaker 2:there's lots of stuff okay, what'd you do there? So for people, now we know what the rules have changed and what can you do from it. Yep, now I want to know if I have owned a property and now I know it's within that 800 metres, what zoning does it fall under? R2, r3? Okay, can a developer approach me in future? Yes, they want to build a unit block or can I build? A duplex. There you are.
Speaker 1:So pretty much this is like a straightforward answer.
Speaker 2:Again, it's from New South Wales. It's not some random website, it's the government. So it's very straightforward. It's doing a lot of heavy lifting, this special, this New South Wales board.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think today it's been working. We've been working on it all day.
Speaker 2:Oregon's gone nuts the last. It has been smooth, like every property you enter, so that's it address. You put it there. Every single detail of your property will come. It's a big job, yeah that's a big job.
Speaker 1:They haven't missed a property, guys and girls. So if you look at this map here, for instance, this is dy. There's a um for anyone who is getting excited, and they are in a commercial or industrial area they have excluded it. Yeah, in a commercial or industrial area, they have excluded it. Yeah, so you're not part of the party, but if you have a look at this map here, for instance, dy r3, there's some fringe areas there that are houses at three here. Yep, just on the fringe of DY.
Speaker 2:There Pretty exciting yes, pretty exciting of what you can do in those areas, guys, and it's pretty much all the way throughout, even if we go brookie Yep A touch there and keep going. This is curl curl.
Speaker 1:Bear in mind you still need to be 800 metres to a major Yep. Oh, there you go, Manly's got that. So can we show Manly for a sec? Yeah, of course I had a client that was in Manly heartbroken. They're in Manly heartbroken. They were like you know what? We missed it? We bloody missed it.
Speaker 2:Where is Manly Beach? Manly Beach, there it is. Where is Mandy Beach? Mandy Beach, there it is, mandy Beach.
Speaker 1:Okay, there they are. So they were Victoria Parade, ashburn, and they're like we missed it. So what do you miss? They said we're in the E1 zone. Can we go back to the other one that we were just on before? Not the one before LMR Viewer? Is that the one? Yeah, so if you go Manly, these are the three steps we're teaching you on how to find if the brand new changes that have just come through in government for low to medium housing are for you. So I had a client here they're in Ashburner in Victoria.
Speaker 2:they were heartbroken that they didn't make the cut uh because they thought they wanted to be in the the, the gray blue, yeah can you zoom back a bit more?
Speaker 1:yeah, so they looked at that and they're like, what a bummer we bloody missed. And I'm like, no, hang on a second, you need to be in the orange. And they're all like, really, I said, yeah, that that commercial precinct didn't get any uplift. So it's just come through this week where people are going to be getting some amazing uplift. Now I'm being so positive about it. What are the negatives? Like the first thing I could think is the transport.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think, because that's the main question. Like the development site, I'm in Francis Forest every day. A roadway road, it's full of commercial at that whole uh road. Yeah, and that's a dead-end road. You can't go anywhere. Yeah, and once I had up one minute 5, 30, I was getting out. The line was from the roundabout all the way to the prison. I couldn't get out. No, couldn't get out, only gonna get worse. Yeah, and people buying had the biggest concern, like what are they gonna to do? Yep, so that is the first thing popping. Okay, things are happening, traffic choking, yeah, pretty much. What are they going to do?
Speaker 1:Yeah, let's go back to StreamYard. So, guys, what's going to happen on the northern beaches? Big question. When I had a client ask me today about that, I said yes. I shared the same concerns when meritan came to town and developed almost 400 units in dy. Yep, people were spewing.
Speaker 2:Yep, people were upset, they were angry and dy five years later is so much better. As a result, I think meritan took the whole dy up yep.
Speaker 1:So I'm pretty bullish that this development. It's not going to be easy to deliver. Just because it gets the zone, the zoning, the low to medium uplift, it doesn't mean hey presto, there's all your properties that have to be built. You have to locate a builder, you have to fund them, you have to put it through a council. So it could be a good two to five years before we start seeing some real relief in housing, in rentals, in prices and stuff like that. But is your property value going to go down bids?
Speaker 2:No, I don't think so.
Speaker 1:I think it's only going to go up.
Speaker 2:I love your saying how you say it was good the last 100 years.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's going to be amazing. The next 100 years Just keeps going up. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, if you have a good DIY bids. In the 70s we were building entire streets of units, talking 1,000 units in one street, and the next street had 1,000, and the next street had 1,000 and the next street had 1,000, and they all still went up over time.
Speaker 2:Everyone did very, very well from it.
Speaker 1:So I'm pretty optimistic about these density changes that we're seeing in the northern beaches are going to be good. Can we just do that those quick before we go we do those three steps again, again. First of all, guys, um yep. First of all, if you want the three links, sms zero four, six, zero, triple one, triple one, zero four, six, zero, triple one, triple one, sms, the word word Rezo. It's gonna give you three steps in your SMS. It'll pop back to you straight away the steps are with it.
Speaker 2:Can you show us our SMS portal?
Speaker 1:bear with us guys. Okay, right'll be right there, share.
Speaker 2:Sorry to do this to you, fitz. No, it's okay, it takes a bit of a while.
Speaker 1:Okay so you're going to get an SMS that looks like that. Okay, it's going to have three links. They're all New South Wales Planning Portal links. They're safe links because they're from the government.
Speaker 2:First step is we find out what the change is. Load to mid-highs housing policy. There's actually a video here that is very real world information. Okay, like people wanting visual information. Yeah, that's the first step. Second step, second step go back to the link. Now, okay, what can we do for R2 and R3 zoning? We click on the link Yep, and we scroll down. So for area driven dual occupancies to R2 and R3 zoning, click on the link, yeah, and we scroll down. So for every different dual occupancy, like, these are basically the requirement.
Speaker 1:And then what you don't realise is when you actually hit those buttons, it changes what's underneath.
Speaker 2:So if you look at your requirements, your lot sizes. It's 500 here, if you go there, that's 600. That's got dual occupancy 450. Okay.
Speaker 1:Three easy steps. What's the third step?
Speaker 2:Third is the most exciting bit. I want to know what my property is.
Speaker 1:So I'll go there. R3, R2. Exactly what is the zoning of your property?
Speaker 2:So we'll go there, put my address 123 Sydney Street, dy, and figure it out.
Speaker 1:Now we do have to say they're not actually changing the zoning of these places. They are allowing things to be done within those zonings. So some of the zonings change they're allowing low to medium housing to be built in those zones that's very clever.
Speaker 2:So, but the thing is, I don't think people should be worried. It's gonna be happen all at once. It's a gradual, step-by-step thing and everyone will take a bit of step and you're gonna be 800 meters to a full-service supermarket within that.
Speaker 1:So it's not everybody. It's the people that are close to transport, close to shops there you go questions, questions, questions from anyone.
Speaker 1:Guys, before we go, if you have any questions, throw them at us, here we go. Uh, keith has a question. Um, okay, keith, that number is um, zero, four, six, zero, triple one, triple one. If you sms the word rezone to that number, we're gonna send you those three links and then you can just eat your heart out, have it with your, your parents place, your friends place and all around. Actually, um, your parents place, your friends place and all around. And then Tracy black says good day. Flavius video says roads and traffic will need to be improved. Yeah, they will be. They definitely will be. Yeah, I think they will be for sure.
Speaker 2:I'm on that.
Speaker 1:We're good. That's a show guys. Hopefully we helped everyone out today. It is the biggest fundamental change I have seen in real estate over 30 years, with planning controls in the northern beaches and also, furthermore, for all of New South Wales. I don't know whether to congratulate Mr Minns or thank him, or I don't know whether to curse him, but I think it's progress and you've got to. You know, don't stay. You know. At the same time, I look back on progress of you know things have been built in our area over the years. It's pretty hard to find a bad one.
Speaker 1:Yeah, definitely Good been built in our area over the years. Oh, it's pretty hard to find a bad one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, good thanks guys. Yeah, and we're always here. I think that's pretty. Yeah, that's right, just cause, if you have any questions, we for you.
Speaker 1:24 7, 24, 7 and that's pretty much all that's it. That's a show, guys. So this is life. They are all. Brendan's got a comment here the ghetto, the ghetto is going to. This is the most honest man on social media. I think the ghetto is going to be slurrous. Yeah, it is, but you know, look, I think you're not going to see what happened to DIY. I think DIY probably wasn't a good example of planning in the 60s and 70s.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean. They just example of planning in the 60s and 70s. Yeah, I mean, they just sort of went a bit. You know, these little blocks weren't the most attractive. So it'll be interesting. And uh, keith says thank you, fantastic live feed. You're a legend, thanks, keith. All right, guys, hope you enjoy that data. Um, on that sms, have a look at it, we'll go out. We'll go out showing that bits. Um, we'll leave that. Uh, you on my comments there. Yeah, go to comments and then we're going to go hit that one, that one, yep. So we'll leave that up for you. Guys, if you SMS that, you're going to get all those three links to see if the zoning what's happened to everything in your area. And that's a show.
Speaker 2:Have a great time. Have a good night, thanks man. And that's a show. Have a great night. Have a good night, thanks man. We'll have some fun. Thank you for joining and all the info. Did I talk too much? No, that was. I think we need to talk more. Alright, over and out all that jigs.