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Mark Novak, Lisa Novak, Billy Drury Season 29 Episode 1373

What if the heart and soul of your community were captured in one unforgettable person? Join us as we remember Santos Severino, a legend whose vibrant presence left an everlasting imprint on the Northern Beaches. From the bustling events at Miramar Gardens to the spontaneous gatherings with friends, Santos was more than a successful businessman; he was a beacon of joy and unity. His laughter could brighten the darkest rooms, and his genuine love for people made him seem almost immortal. We share touching stories and heartfelt tributes, painting a picture of a man who truly brought life to every occasion.

Reflecting on Santos's profound impact, we explore how his warmth and generosity built a legacy that transcended beyond business. For over 50 years, he was the guiding spirit behind countless celebrations, effortlessly connecting people and creating memories that linger in the hearts of many. Whether it was his infectious humor or wise counsel, Santos had a rare ability to make everyone feel special. As we reminisce about our personal experiences with him, listen in to celebrate a life well-lived and the extraordinary influence he had on a community that now mourns his loss.

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, the Northern Beaches a very, very sad day we're. An icon of the Northern Beaches has left us and today is his big funeral in the city. We're going to talk about the legendary Santos Severino and a tribute to him good morning there she is.

Speaker 3:

Good morning. How are we Billy?

Speaker 2:

I don't know how to start this episode. It's very sombre. I didn't know Santa personally, but you know this is a big day for Northern Beaches.

Speaker 3:

It definitely, definitely is Very, very sad news. I can't imagine that there'd be a person on the northern beaches who wouldn't even know who this absolute gentleman of the industry was, santo Severino. He's a man that's very close to our heart family, because they have got the big function centre, miramar Gardens.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Which is a huge function centre, and even just reading through a lot of the social media posts and there's been thousands and thousands of them the Severinos are a very prominent family on the northern beaches. You know we know all the children um and of course um santo's beautiful wife alba. You know we're very close with the whole family and um. But you know so many people again just reading those posts um have had their weddings and christenings and all sorts of things at miramar gardens and the beautiful outpouring of um, things that people have had to say about santo, because he was never just behind the scenes. If there was a party or a function or a melbourne cut day or a wedding or whatever it was, there was santo front and center. I mean santo emceed most of these functions.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, and he had this. He had this arm that will just melt people when he put it like butter. So he used to put his arm around people and then you know it was just a beautiful, beautiful man. But what I love is I look at it also, you know, from a business point of view. You know this is someone that's served our community for over 50 years yeah, wholeheartedly, and I understand that. You know that's business. But you've got to love, you've got to absolutely love people and what you do and your community. You know to put on a show like that, day in, day out, seven days a week, but you know, for that long, a show like that day in, day out, seven days a week, for that long like.

Speaker 3:

That is a, but he wasn't a showman, because he actually genuinely loved it. You know, you gave that beautiful man a microphone and a glass of scotch and you know, everyone, by the end of it, everyone was an absolute fan. You know, mark and I were just having breakfast this morning and we were just having a chat about santa, which we've been doing every single day, I must say, since, since he's passing um, but you know, we were just saying he was that man that you'd walk into a room and you know we'd spend quite a bit of time with him over the years. You know we had some fabulous times. Um, in fact, there's one time in particular that really sticks out.

Speaker 3:

We were at one of their restaurants and we'd gone there, mark, with your family it must have been someone's birthday and down in Manly, anyway, I remember you calling Santo and it was. Was it a Sunday? I think it was a Sunday afternoon. We went there for a late lunch or something and Mark had called Santo and said we're down here in Manly, come down. Within five minutes, santo and Alba were down there and literally within an hour, mark and Santo had finished off a bottle of scotch and were rolling around laughing. Alba and I got into the cocktails as well, but you know, he was that sort of man. He was the life of the party. He would always give the most incredible advice. He was endearing, he was loving. You know, he was just the most beautiful man and you know, this is a huge part of why people are deeply saddened about his passing. You know, the man felt immortal. He literally felt bigger than life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know what? I think you know you underestimate how much energy or sort of power you get from people like that, because when there's that, you know, that sort of support, it really kicks you along. It really kicks you along, it really kicks you along. And I think you know people like santo with people, with people younger than him um, you know that, look up to him. He was always encouraging, do you know what I mean?

Speaker 3:

so, whatever, oh my god, he was my biggest fan yeah, so he was my biggest fan, mark.

Speaker 3:

He's the one that really pushed me to go into sales, and every time I would see him, and I know the family will watch this video. And he was my biggest fan, mark. He's the one that really pushed me to go into sales, and every time I would see him, and I know the family will watch this video, and I know definitely. You know that everyone's going to be saying yes, yes, yes, no-transcript. You know he was the one that pushed me and every time I saw him, he goes. You're gonna be the best fails person you're. You know he was he. Honestly, every time I saw him in the office or anywhere, he's like I see everything that you do, you're the best. You keep going. You're gonna smash it in sales every time the energy that that gives someone like you.

Speaker 1:

I just loved him. I'm sure he would underestimate it, but you know, like at the time, do you know what I mean? But you know, now, when he's gone, you look back you think that really pushed me along, that really gave me that kick along, and you know the conversations that I would have had, you know, with santa over, you know, the last, yeah, years. You know, and it's like you don't go, go, son go, do you?

Speaker 1:

know like that that, what that does for someone and you know, for people that are out there that are watching, that are mentoring you know younger people like that is just so powerful and that's your hero, like I think that word hero is often it's so cliche, but that's your hero. You know that person who does it themselves. You know, like in terms of you watch someone do stuff like that and you think, oh yeah, I like that. And then when you talk to that person they go yeah, yeah, do this, or keep doing that, or double down the, the energy and the power that that that gives people he's given people in the community is unbelievable, unbelievable, it's unbelievable so well known, such a prominent man, such a loved man, um, and he will be a very, very missed man and um, you know, and also to his beautiful family.

Speaker 3:

I mean, he had the most amazing marriage. You know, alber and santo, the things that those two achieved besides raising four incredible children. But, you know, one of the things that really stands out as well is that family. It is a huge family. Not only have they got a big immediate family themselves, but all the grandkids you know, four kids go and make all their grandkids.

Speaker 3:

You know it's quite incredible and they created that. You know, and they created that. You know they created that. So not only are they incredible family people, but you know, they were also, and still are, amazing business people. Um, you know, anyone that's in hospitality knows santo severino. You know miramar gardens. Miramar gardens is a massive function centre.

Speaker 1:

Well, he had. I think it was. Was it Roger Moore? I can't remember the 007 up at the reception centre. What's the Italian lady? He was so proud of her. Oh, I can't remember her name. One of the most famous Italian women in the world. I can't remember, I had their up. Sophie Loren, sophie Loren, sophie Loren, oh, he had her up. Wow, she's Italian, is she?

Speaker 3:

No, no, I think Mark's got his name. I think Mark's got his name, sorry.

Speaker 1:

But well, like to the family, like our condolences, and I think you know, with Santa looking down on all of us now, he'd want us to celebrate. You know, an amazing life. You know what he's done the weddings he's done, the birthdays he's done, the school formals, that he's done. Everything that he's done there has been absolutely incredible and all the charity stuff, mark.

Speaker 3:

I mean, you know they hosted so many charity functions up there at Miramar as well, you know. But you know, I think, like with anyone that knew Santo or the family, I think everyone's hearts are absolutely broken. As I said, I've been reading through some of those comments on social media and there are thousands of them.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, and the theme is there right throughout everybody. You know the absolute love and the connection that people had with this man is. You know it's almost unrivaled, billy, it really is. And you know, whether you knew Santo for five minutes or 50 years, he would treat you the same way. Hello, darling, you know, give you this big hug and kiss and you know, have you got a drink? And he'd make you feel like you were the most important person in the room, and he was cheeky as well, and he'd make you feel like you were the most important person in the room, and he was cheeky as well.

Speaker 3:

And he was cheeky, he was cheeky.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Very charismatic, very cheeky, just the most beautiful, endearing man, and he will absolutely be very, very, very, very missed. He really will. But you know, our hearts go out to that beautiful family as well. They're a very close family. Our hearts go out to that beautiful family as well.

Speaker 1:

They're a very close family and our hearts really do go out to them all. So the funerals today, 10 o'clock, st Mary's Cathedral, will be thousands of people that will be there. In the CBD of Sydney that is a big cathedral. If you've never been to the St Mary's Cathedral, that's just a massive building. So it'll be a big day. Big day for the family, respect to the family. Thank you, santo, for everything that he's ever done for um, you know, for us, um and um any. What do you reckon, bill? What do you want to say?

Speaker 2:

well, yes, I never knew him personally, but to be a part of big moments for a lot of families like that, it won't be forgotten.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, it's pretty powerful I think that song by frank sinatra. I did it my way.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure that was written for sandra it's a bit of a godfather as well, wasn't it?

Speaker 3:

yeah, that that song was written for him he was like the new age godfather yeah do you know?

Speaker 1:

I mean not none of that sort of, none of that underworld stuff, but just say he was like he was a leader and he was like he made stuff happen Enormously. You know, he was like the new age godfather.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah definitely I remember a moment that I you know, one of the things that was vivid with me is sitting on Santa's balcony and he's in. He'd cut up the fresh tomatoes, he'd cut up the salami, he'd cut up a bit of cheese, cut up some bread. Just sitting out there looking out to the bush, just talking about nothing. You know they are the beautiful times that you know you sort of think, you know you didn't realise they were good times until you know someone's gone. So, yeah, yeah, to celebrate life.

Speaker 3:

Bail Santo, bail Santo.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, have a, you know, a nice morning with all the loved ones there, and I'm sure you'll know a lot of familiar faces yeah, definitely, and, as I said, our hearts truly do go out to um, to his beautiful family.

Speaker 3:

They really do. But we will be paying our tributes today to santo and um. Yeah, he's a man that will. None of us will ever will, that's for sure.

Speaker 2:

It's a sombre Monday.

Speaker 3:

It is. It feels like a sombre Monday we're just having, actually, we stopped at, which we never do on a Monday morning. Usually it's all systems go, we're ready to run out the door by now, but we're actually just sitting here having a coffee and doing a salute to Santo. That's the truth. Nice, yeah, all right, guys. That's it from us. Have a lovely day, everybody, and we'll see you all soon.

Speaker 1:

See you later. Thanks, billy, take care, see you.

Speaker 3:

Bye-bye, bye, thank you.