The PROPERTY DOCTORS, Sydney Australia Novak Properties
NOVAK PROPERTIES CREW and PROPERTY LEGENDS in the industry share their experiences and knowledge. Hacks and tips to make you a smarter property GURU :) Learn with exclusive content, advice, insider info and HOT real estate industry PRO SECRETS. For sale, for lease, residential, commercial, buying off the plan, finance, mortgages, interest rates, first home buyer, investments - all topics covered. The untold real estate info you've been waiting for.
The PROPERTY DOCTORS, Sydney Australia Novak Properties
EP. 1356 “15 Seconds to Know: Quick Weekly Updates on Sydney’s Property Market!”
What if you could gain a complete understanding of the vibrant and ever-evolving property market in just 15 seconds? Our latest podcast episode promises to equip you with those fast, essential insights and more! We explore the unique segment that has taken LinkedIn and TikTok by storm, "What's the Property Market Doing in 15 Seconds?" Every Monday, our team provides spontaneous updates that reflect the dynamic nature of real estate trends, particularly focusing on the impact of low stock levels and heightened buyer competition. We believe a long-term perspective is key, and despite short-term fluctuations, the property market remains resilient and robust.
Understanding your local market's unique dynamics is crucial, and we dive into why local real estate insights can often differ from widespread media narratives. Engaging with local agents offers invaluable perspectives on specific neighborhoods, enriching your property market knowledge. Additionally, the power of quick, engaging content is undeniable, as it resonates deeply with audiences and helps set a positive trend. By the end, you'll appreciate why local dynamics are vital for effectively navigating the real estate landscape. As always, we extend our well-wishes for a great day, hoping our insights empower and inform your property market journey.
What's the property market doing in 15 seconds? We're going to talk about it right now, not just the property market, but this series that we do every Monday, and how popular and why it's been popular. Stay tuned, I'm the ringleader. So much love. What's the property market doing in 15 seconds? We've been doing this for maybe two years.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I reckon two years, Maybe one year, yep, and it's a segment that we do on LinkedIn. Tiktok goes across all agents' channels in our office that are selling and we interview them just for 15 seconds and ask them about the property market. Now, sometimes it's very spontaneous it's definitely very spontaneous, but sometimes it's been nothing. Sometimes it's deep and it's fast. It's been nothing. Sometimes it's deep and it's fast, but for some reason, friends, family, customers, people, interstate will walk into a room and people will go Oi, what's probably marketing? 15 seconds and you're going. My God, do you watch it as well?
Speaker 2:No, but not just real estate agents. Yeah, it is actually hysterical. I was in a cafe a couple of weeks ago and the guy came over to me and he said would you like to order a coffee? And I said, yes, please, I'll have an oat piccolo. And he goes what's the property market doing? In 15 seconds? I was like wait what?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I reckon. I reckon I'll probably get asked two to three times a day when I'm yeah, if I'm rocking around and interstate and it's been pretty funny.
Speaker 2:So it's been pretty popular and I mean that was obviously never really the intention. The intention was always to get information out to people about the property market in a short, concise 15 seconds, because we're well aware on social media people don't really have much of an attention span. You only need to look at how people actually view content on social media. They do this, they go flick, flick, flick, flick, flick. Stop, flick, flick, flick, flick. So you know, we thought 15 seconds is great. That's enough to be able to capture what's going on in the market. But the funny thing is how you do it, mark, that's the thing.
Speaker 2:So every Monday we go out and do what's called a sales caravan and for anyone that doesn't know what that is, that's where we all jump into. We've got like our big black work van. We all jump into that. Some of the guys take their own cars as well and we go out and we have a look at all the new listings. Mark literally will take every single person by surprise.
Speaker 2:So you know, you can be jumping out of the van, you can be coming out of a stairwell, you can be hysterical where it's like oh so, none of that is fake at all. We literally get caught by surprise every single Monday and the guys are left to, we're all left to just literally think on our feet, but obviously we should know what's going on with the property market. We're on the ground, yep, but I think that's the magic in it Mark so fast, convenient, accurate information about what is really happening, what we are seeing through our own eyes with the property market. And the funny thing is is it changes every single week. Yep, you would expect that there's going to be an enormous amount of consistency.
Speaker 1:I started getting everyone saying it's busy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're not allowed to say that, and.
Speaker 1:I was like you can't just say every week it's busy, blah, blah, blah, blah blah. It's a bit of a start. That's how it all starts, but very quickly. How is the property market going in 15?
Speaker 2:seconds Okay.
Speaker 2:So right now we're at the beginning of the year. So what are we? I don't even know what the date is. We're the 14th of January.
Speaker 2:Ordinarily, the start line for real estate is just after the Australia Day long weekend. So you'll hear all the real estate agents around the country going oh no, we don't actually list until after the Australia Day long weekend. So just having a look now on realestatecom, when you put in Northern Beaches, there seems to be approximately 550 properties, houses and apartments. So it's come up a little bit. Definitely come up a little bit. Definitely come up a little bit. But the surge usually will happen after that Australia Day long weekend. But we're starting relatively low from where we were over previous years. We're actually starting low, which to me indicates that we may be looking at low stock levels even once that surge comes through. What does that mean for you? If you're a buyer, it means that you could have a lot more competition and for a seller, it means that you could get more money for your property. So and then, just having a quick look in chat, gpt mark about interest rates, which actually no, we'll cover in a minute.
Speaker 1:What do you reckon the property markets doing in 15 seconds or so it's been a very good property market the last 100 years and it'll be a very good property market the next 100 years meaning.
Speaker 2:I know what that means, because that's the quote that you bust out all the time. But what do you mean? Just you know it's.
Speaker 1:I know you can like read the papers, like put toothpicks in your eyes and actually see, always read everything about interest rates and everything about prices and everything about everything, and at the end of the day, look, it's just always. It always has been good, it always will be good, it doesn't matter how much you micromanage that property market. She's good. So you know. And if you take that long-term view, you're never going to have a broken heart, like if you say I'm going to buy it today and sell it in a year's time. Well, maybe the odds aren't going to be your way, but when you have that long-term view of you know what this is going to be a minimum 10-year hold. Have that long-term view on our Sydney property market. You just know, on average it's going to double over that 10-year period. That's generally what it's done over 50 to 100 years.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's the reality, and I'll tell you something, guys. The big mistake that I see buyers make is that they procrastinate for way too long, and I understand it. You know, we've been buyers. Our daughter has just bought a property, actually we were looking at, maybe getting her onto the show and talking about what her experience was like.
Speaker 1:Not like that.
Speaker 2:So she said you know what it was so different to what I thought it would be a good idea maybe for me to come on and have a chat so we actually might get her on the show this week and she can talk about that. But you know, the big mistake that I see buyers make is they just wait too long, and I get that. It's a really difficult decision. I understand that. As I said, we've just gone through that with our own daughter and we really you know where she's got two parents that are real estate agents. We left her to her own devices, obviously with our assistance, but we allowed her to do all those things herself. But the procrastination is a big thing. And then I'll see a buyer a year and a half later it opens and I'm like are you, are you still looking to buy, because that that markets's gone up quite a lot now and I'm worried for you that you might be out of the market that you were looking in a year and a half ago.
Speaker 1:Can I clarify that a bit? Yes, I think it's when you've got all of your ducks lined up and you're still procrastinating. Yeah, do you know what I mean? It's not like you just don't have enough deposit, and it's. It's actually got every. You know you actually have everything on paper ready to go, yeah, but you just faff around and fluff around and it does go on for years for people. So you know they, and often we're dealing with the heartbreaks, like we're dealing with people that are saying to you after that oh my god, you know, now they're actually another 50 gram more. It's like I don't know. Oh no, yeah, but you know what else they could have done it.
Speaker 2:They had all the ducks lined up and you know what else, mark like I. I always see it happen. People love a property that they view on a saturday. They go out on a saturday night and all their friends and family become real estate experts and, um uh, interest rate advisors every person. And then you do. You call back for the month. Oh you know, look people saying that there's gonna be so much more stock coming on the market.
Speaker 1:People are gonna be selling their properties for next to nothing you know, but they know in their heart of hearts it's the one, it's a good one, and and so the reality.
Speaker 2:That's exactly right. They go and talk to people. People go. Why would you buy there? Yeah oh no, don't buy there, don't buy. I had a friend of a friend of a friend, people you know. Do you want to clarify that?
Speaker 1:well, if you meet the one and you know she's the one, and then you sort of start asking people, you know what do you think? You sort of like the opinions just get blurred, but you just know that she's the one is that what your friends did with?
Speaker 1:me man? No at all, just saying it happens, it happens out there. So what's the property market doing in 15 minutes? The segment that we run in 15 seconds, it's 15 minutes. But the segment that we run, it's's been good. It's been good. I encourage people from different industries same industry. It's been phenomenal. It's been phenomenal.
Speaker 1:And you know, I think if you ever have and we always talk about doing social media and there's that self-doubt component of it or there's that delay component of we put it off until later, don't do it. But it's been a winner doing it and it's been fun for customers, it's been fun for us. It hasn't been a hard thing to do. No, um, you know, consistently we've probably done a hundred of them. Um, but over time it elapses, it's hard, but you know, I think it's been rewarding for people and I think sometimes, um, in this day and age, you don't want to pick up the phone and ask the real estate agent locally but I think the big thing is, guys, is that we're bringing you concise information about what we're seeing on the ground across our market northern beaches, which usually does spread out to other areas.
Speaker 2:You know, often it's aligned with other areas like the inner west, um, like what's going on in the eastern suburbs.
Speaker 1:The center is the same pretty much normally everywhere. You know, yeah, usually it is so.
Speaker 2:Usually there's a lot of Just to interrupt everyone's feeling the same emotions. That's right. Usually there's a lot of parallels going on everywhere, but you know, the big thing is that you know it's coming to you very quick, short, sharp, concise information. But again, I just want to reiterate what blows my mind is that that market it's different when we're reporting to you every single week. So it must be hard for you guys that are just relying on media alone to be able to understand exactly what that market is doing.
Speaker 1:Make sure you tune in Non-localised media. Yep, and I think with your real tour in your area there are markets within markets. So you know, I think you'll find when you can ring up your local real estate agent and you can have a good chinwag about what's happened in your street and in your suburb. It's different to your actual media. Yeah, yeah, and when you do the 15 seconds thing, I think you know people can latch onto it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's right.
Speaker 1:Maybe we've started a trend.
Speaker 2:Hopefully we have, but, more importantly, hopefully we've helped people out there. Guys, that's it for us this morning. Have a great day. Have an awesome day.
Speaker 1:Bye, bye.