The PROPERTY DOCTORS, Sydney Australia Novak Properties


September 02, 2024 Mark Novak, Billy Drury & Josh Wapshott Season 27 Episode 1290

Ever wondered what it’s like to transition into a real estate career? Join us as Jazzy Josh takes us through his intense yet rewarding first four weeks as a real estate agent. From managing hectic open home schedules to navigating initial challenges with the invaluable support of his team, Josh paints a vivid picture of his early days in the industry. Adding depth to the conversation, seasoned agent Billy shares his own reflections, highlighting the emotions and strategies that form the backbone of a successful career in real estate.

In the latter half, we delve into the power of a strong work ethic and seizing every opportunity that comes your way. Inspired by impactful advice from Mark, we discuss how giving 100% effort can open doors to unexpected opportunities and drive personal growth. Jazzy Josh's success story from his first month is sure to motivate you to take bold steps in your career. Wrapping up, we leave you with a message of perseverance and the joy of discovering the right professional fit. This episode is your go-to source for inspiration and practical insights if you're contemplating a leap into real estate or any new venture.

Speaker 1:

okay, ever wonder what the first four weeks of real estate consists of. If you start in real estate, we've got Jazzy, josh, stay tuned.

Speaker 2:

I'm the ringleader, so I'm gonna Boom. The debut appearance From Jazzy Josh. Good morning Jazzy Josh. He's hit the airwaves.

Speaker 1:

But seriously, like the first four weeks of real estate, josh, like you know, first of all, well done. You're a weapon, but I just wanted to sort of bring it on screen with you know what your experiences are, the emotions that you know, all that stuff that you have, that you actually have, have done big achievement, well done yeah, thank you.

Speaker 3:

Um, yeah, look in terms of, uh, let's, week by week, the first week in, I mean, yeah, there's a lot of moving wheels, um, a lot of moving parts, so to speak, in the real estate world, as you find out early on, um, yeah, and it's busy, busy, go, go. So I mean, these days just fly past, um, you sort of look down at yourself at your computer, at at, uh, you know, 7, 38 o'clock when you get in and then, before you know it, after running a few appointments here there, um, it's 5, 36 o'clock. But, um, yeah, it's been very fulfilling, um, and it it really has that go get a pace. Um, so, yeah, it's yeah exciting, as much as it was daunting at the start, you know, like starting something new. After the first week my engines were revving and ready to go.

Speaker 2:

Were you dreaming real estate when you got home?

Speaker 3:

I mean almost. I mean, yeah, I've got my past coming out of, I guess, being a mortgage broker and sort of a numbers more focused area. I think having the dream in front of you and seeing these properties as opposed to looking at it on a screen and just talking numbers, I feel like you know, being that physical touch, that sort of yeah definitely made it a bit more exciting for myself and yeah, yeah, definitely the the journey. So far.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's cool happening now, billy, you um, you, you obviously how long since you got into real estate yeah, it's been about four weeks.

Speaker 2:

Four weeks or so now, and Billy, how long you've been in a fall progressing through the ranks for five years I'd say full-time, feeling like I've been doing it three years proper.

Speaker 1:

So it's been a while since I can wind back to 32 years to remember my first day. What made you get it? Why did you go real estate, josh? What made you go? Oh yeah, okay, that's it, that's for me.

Speaker 3:

Look. You sort of look at um the sydney property market as itself. If you, if you're looking at selling a product these days, it doesn't get quite as safe or anywhere as close as safe as what the sydney property market is. I mean as much as you know um, you do see tough times and you know a bit of cost of living. The prices on these assets are something that really brought me here, because at the end of the day, you can have all the skills and determination but if you don't have a product that's worth selling, you know it limits your success, I would say so.

Speaker 3:

I think it was the whole idea of you know, this is a great product. We're in the you know, the best location in australia in terms of selling real estate. Um, put my past experience I've been in, been in cars, been in numbers, finance, um and I sort of thought, well, this is sort of the last thing I've tried and it almost seems like the perfect fit for me.

Speaker 3:

Was it easy to transition in. Look, I feel like yes and no. I mean there's always going to be those areas where you're just going to know nothing and it's only going to come with experience and having interaction with customers. So I mean, if you have a good team, good support, like we do here at novak I mean mark's been great, giving me a lot of his time, billy, he was with me on the first week, showed me around on the uh, on the open homes, and you know every sort of process, from making calls to logging your inquiries, whatever it it may be. I think if it comes down and you pick a good destination, a good agency to come and practice as being a real estate agent, that is the key between being difficult or a good experience and something that's worthwhile.

Speaker 1:

What was the thing that you thought where, after like a week, you're like that's not how I thought it was gonna be? Was it like the car, was it like the buyer or the seller, or was it was staff or the yacht? Is there anything that you thought that was like? That's not what I thought um, look uh, I do.

Speaker 3:

I did have a couple of friends in in the industry before coming over, um, so I did have a rough idea. I sort of got a few of the um, the uh, you know outside the box stories, um, before joining, because I would have listened to my mates. But, um, look uh. One thing I was definitely not ready for was that those 20-minute intervals over on the open homes on a Saturday the northern beaches, as you can imagine and when we're heating up at the moment, you want to find a park down in Manly, good luck. So, yeah, I think that was probably the funnily enough. The biggest thing was just, like you know, having to make sure that you service every customer that's come and visit your open, but make sure you're giving yourself enough time to get to the next one on time. That was definitely a bit of fun.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely an art, a finely tuned art. Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 3:

It's military.

Speaker 1:

You can get lost in conversation at an open, and next thing you know you're over and next thing you know you're rushing to the next place.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, that's exactly right. Yeah, so yeah, no, it was good. But you know, you definitely learn how to utilise your time being in real estate. Time seems to be everything, and you can never get enough of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ain't that the truth? Billy, you got a question.

Speaker 2:

I found even in four weeks. It's amazing how quickly you, you know, just picked up the small bits. It looks pretty effortless, it looks good from the outside. I have to say the like processes probably week one for me I don't know about you were probably the hardest thing to get my head around, just the new software. But you know, other than that, it's the same sort of process of just talking to people and helping. I think it's like matchmaking, it's like dating putting people with problems.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, that's a great way of putting. Yeah, definitely agree there.

Speaker 1:

So, Josh, what are you excited about after your first four weeks of real estate? Anyone who's just tuned in, we're talking about Josh's first four weeks in real estate, cold, coming from out of the industry into the industry. What are the things you're excited about the most for the future of real estate?

Speaker 3:

I think it's got to be like just building really good relationships in the area. I think, you know, having a bit of exposure to both the commercial and the residential side, building relationships in your local community, I mean even four weeks in, you know, I've taken around certain people for certain commercial businesses that have, you know, could be big rum, yoga or, you know, whatever it may be, and you know, hey, come down, come visit, come check out a class. I think the whole idea of being able to serve my community and in return, my good service and my good faith, you know it's going to open up so many experiences for me in the future and it's really going to make my experience here on the Northern Beaches something to you know, something to really treasure. So, yeah, that's probably number one on my list building really good key relationships around the northern beaches, yeah, nice.

Speaker 1:

And when you're within the office, when you're rocking around the office, who have been like the people where you're like I've got something to learn from those people, and what have those traits been? So, for example, has there been you know someone where you've seen them do something you thought, yeah, that's, that's clever. Um, I need more of that juice like you know where. Where have you where? Who are the key learnings from so far for people around the office, minus me, because I'm not looking for a minus plug? Yeah, no, definitely.

Speaker 3:

Um definitely bill. Uh, the way he carries himself um um Mine is plug. Yeah, no, definitely Bill. The way he carries himself is something to admire, and the way that he handles his customers and his constant care. I'm not the plug either, but thank you. But yeah, definitely Bill. Definitely Bill Badan in the office is really good.

Speaker 2:

It's nice that it's relatable. I think it's just cool that we're all on the same page.

Speaker 3:

Yeah and I think like it's more so, just the energy here at Novak, and of course it comes from the top and Lisa included. What I love is the work. Hard attitude is um, you know, you get in early, you get in late, you do the job.

Speaker 3:

And something that mark left with me from the beginning is do everything at a hundred percent, um, that things, that that, when he said that to me, that sort of stuck with me and I and and it and it sort of makes you feel as though even something that you don't expect may be an opportunity and you just by giving that a 100% you don't know what, you know there may be nothing that comes out of it, but you know, for the 10th person, whatever it may be, there's going to be a time that something comes, turns around back and presents an opportunity. You know for you giving that effort constantly. So I feel like it's definitely like character building and that's everyone in the office. So, uh, being around good people, um, you're only. You know, it's only gonna rub off on you and that's that's something I've really enjoyed here saturday night drinks real estate first four weeks in real estate with Jazzy Josh how exciting.

Speaker 1:

Well done, mate. You smashed it, anything else you had lads before we go?

Speaker 3:

No no no, I think. Yeah, definitely. Look, if anyone's looking to get in and you're worried about it being something new, my advice is just jump in there and give it a go. You know you're never going know until, um, you give something a go and you might find out that, like me, it's your perfect spot and you know you're happy as larry could be here on every wednesday, exactly every wednesday take care, lads, have a good day.

Speaker 1:

See you later. Bye, thanks, thanks, guys.