The PROPERTY DOCTORS, Sydney Australia Novak Properties


July 22, 2024 Mark Novak, Billy Drury Season 27 Episode 1271

Ever wondered why some homes feel so inviting while others leave you cold? Tune in to uncover how property orientation can transform your living experience and boost your home's value. We promise you'll gain invaluable insights into why north-facing properties are the golden ticket in real estate, providing consistent sunlight and that perfect cozy feel. This episode sheds light on the often-overlooked importance of property aspects like lighting, wind dynamics, and temperature, and why getting these elements right from the start is crucial. Whether you're a homeowner or investor, understanding these factors can make or break your investment.

Discover why educational systems and even parents often miss the mark when it comes to teaching young people about property orientation. We delve into the unchangeable factors of location and aspect, emphasizing why a north-facing property is a valuable asset you can't afford to overlook. From the consistent sunlight of north-facing homes to the cooling breezes of east-facing properties, we break down how different orientations can impact your lifestyle and property value. Don't miss this episode—your future real estate decisions might just depend on it!

Speaker 1:

North, south West. Sometimes people get on in life and no one ever teaches them about the value in real estate in aspects. Stay tuned, we're going to teach you today about it.

Speaker 2:

Cheers. I'm the ringleader. Good morning from DY Beach oh wow Bill, what happened this morning?

Speaker 1:

You got up with the sunrise.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got up with the sunrise and boy oh boy, it made me feel good, I think. Just watching the sun come up with a coffee, having a chat, that's what it's all about.

Speaker 1:

Brilliant way to start your morning. And it prompted you so much. You want to talk about aspects in real estate this morning.

Speaker 2:

It's just amazing, as you said, when, when we opened up, if no one ever told you there's a possibility you could go living your life without really knowing the difference, like it seems obvious, but you'd be amazed how many people put this at the top of their priority list.

Speaker 1:

You know, when it comes to buying, and um, it'd be amazing how many people, once they have it, they'll never give it up. And you know, I guess the reality of Aspex is just makes it's probably, I reckon, the one biggest influence on a property. The biggest influence on a property you are north, east, south or west, it changes wind dynamics, it changes heat, um, cooling, um, people are some people are very holistic about it where they think, um, you know what it does for the soul, you know getting a bit of sun and stuff like that. So let's get into it, bill.

Speaker 2:

Worst aspect David said here we go, dot, dot dot.

Speaker 1:

Mr Goodsoe. Mr Goodsoe, I love his take on aspects.

Speaker 2:

Seriously. I met a client on Sunday at a north-facing property with views and he told me that since moving to the north side of City Harbour Bridge, he's lived in 28 properties, every single one of them being north-facing.

Speaker 1:

How do you keep track of all the properties you've been in? How do you? I lose count?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. 28 properties is at the right page of 80. That's a move every couple of years, by the sounds of things. Every three years. This is right at the top of his priority list, I guess.

Speaker 1:

Unbelievable, all right. So, aspect, tell us about South guys. So guys, you get this right. I swear to you it's a moneymaker. I won't say it's a moneymaker. It will make you wealthy in so many ways. Let's talk about south.

Speaker 2:

Well, like let's you know, sort of just factually put it out there, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, wherever you are. So that's what people are kind of working off when it comes to lighting. People are kind of working off when it comes to lighting South-facing, unless it's got the view or unless it's got, you know, appeal. And I'll give you an example Our west-facing business. It's facing 75,000 cars each day passing by.

Speaker 1:

South-facing tends to be a darker, less, you know, less sort of chased aspect out of the four, and it does get the wind thumping it more than any other aspect. So if you're going to get a gust or a heavy wind, it'll generally come from the south. So not only is it copping it from wind cold wind sometimes but it's also copping it not getting um much natural light.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's probably the ugly duckling out of the four aspects, however, um, sometimes the south aspect's got a great view you tend to find in most properties being north-facing sunny. The south aspect tends to be sometimes bedrooms or a bathroom, places where you don't do as much living they push the living run side of it. Let's talk about west. West-facing with a beautiful sunset is sometimes hot in summer, particularly where we are. You know, you've got new buildings with a full glass West aspect and it can be like a glass.

Speaker 1:

It can be like a glass house really hot, then nice and toasty, and I think a big reason for that is it's generally had the sun on it all day long. So, um, you know if it's getting, if it's it's, it's and the earth, um, is getting the sun on it all day long, so when, by the time, if it's still getting west hit on it, it's a prolonged period of attracting heat, attracting sun, which is then attracting heat. So people associate west with hot and a little bit of discomfort from summer, although in winter not bad, keeps you a bit toasty.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's great. No, and I guess, moving on to East, you know that's the difference of whether you want your afternoon Sun or your morning Sun and the great thing again, it's when it comes to warming stuff up.

Speaker 1:

It warms your bones up, so in the morning you've got that East East aspect coming in straightaway starts warming the room from a chilly room overnight. And also this studies have proven that if you actually if you do eyeball the Sun rising every morning morning, it's better for your health wow, that's a major call there.

Speaker 2:

That's a big yep, yep, proven but there is some kind of an energy efficiency to this, you know in sort of improved living comfort once the house is, you know the apartment's warmed up in the day. Now you can expect that you're sort of good to go. I was whacking at each one first thing in the day. You can expect that you're good to go. I was whacking a heater on first thing in the morning in your apartment, dark and a bit cold. So yeah, not only just for your mood but also just the day-to-day running of a property.

Speaker 1:

I'm surprised Dave Goodsoe has behaved himself on the comments.

Speaker 2:

He said it's always good waking up to a sunrise as well.

Speaker 1:

And what's Jell-O Mark got to say? Lisa Novak, be doing the best deal, boom.

Speaker 2:

Can we move on to the Holy Grail north?

Speaker 1:

Ooh, the one. Everyone chases, the one in, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I've got a few reasons why you'd want the north aspect, and it certainly is the most popular. Some people walk in and out of properties unless or they won't turn up unless it's north-facing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a big one. It's a big one and, and, and it's so popular that some people try to pull in the west to the north and try to pull in the east to the north, so when they're selling properties they can actually sell both those aspects.

Speaker 2:

They'll split the north aspect into two and sell it yeah, yeah, I mean, there's like there is an aesthetic appeal. You know that that's not coming through. You can't replace that artificially, not even with the lights, led lights, you know it just won't be the same as natural light. No, some people even tell me that their garden potential is much better when it's more facing the houses.

Speaker 1:

Luke doesn't believe the Holy Grails is north. Come on Luke. Come on Luke.

Speaker 2:

Please share your feelings, luke. Come on, luke, please share your feelings.

Speaker 1:

So with North, with real estate, how?

Speaker 2:

much more money would you pay for a North aspect At the time? It could be the difference of buying, you know, a property on your own or buying with competition. Buying a property on your own or buying with competition? I've seen people just completely dazzled by having that sort of north aspect. Compared to something else, the resale values there they do tend to command higher prices. There's more competition.

Speaker 1:

Hard to put a number on it, but you know, factor all that in so just to confirm what we're talking about, we're talking about sun aspects, not north of sydney, south of sydney, west of sydney, um, we're talking about aspects, um, there. So I think that's that's where, uh, luke, luke I was talking about the Holy Grail here thought Northern Beaches. Oh sure so, billy Bob, what do you reckon? So if I'm buying, say, a unit for $800,000, two-bedroom and DY original $900,000, thousand two-bedroom and DY original nine hundred thousand, a set, identical unit facing south or identical unit facing north, what would you place a property price on difference in that, on that aspect?

Speaker 2:

DY is a tricky one as well, because there's an east and west divide, you know. So if you're east-facing and sort of on the eastern side of Goodwood Road, there'll easily be a 10% difference in price.

Speaker 1:

Hang on a sec. You're talking about proximity to the ocean. I'm talking about sun, sun, sun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you know, if you're thinking of aspect, there will definitely be a change in price.

Speaker 1:

Same unit block south-facing unit two-bedroom top floor. Same unit block door-facing unit top floor.

Speaker 2:

I'd still put it 5% to 10%.

Speaker 1:

That much. There you go. So buyers out there will value a northern aspect that will pay 45 000 to 90 000 more for a north aspect over a south aspect.

Speaker 2:

It's big and it's real but I guess people toss up. On another hand, do they take a north aspect on a noisy road, or, you know, a northeast aspect on a noisy road, or do they sit on the western side of the building where it's dead quiet? I see people actually making that question.

Speaker 1:

I think we've got to isolate it, mate. We've just got to say look, let's assume they're both quiet, they're both, you know. But I reckon you're right. I reckon there's about a 5% to 10% difference purely only on the consideration. I understand what you're saying. People then bring in other aspects, but if you isolate it, that's the difference, guys and girls out there, and that's why and sometimes I think in a high school no one actually stops you and taps you on the shoulder and says, hey, I want to teach you about property, north, south, east and west aspects. And I think you know sometimes even parents may miss that point, but you know, out there in the real estate world people are paying a massive amount for a north aspect to get more sun.

Speaker 2:

Probably the one thing you can't change location and aspect, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right. You can't change it, you can't renovate it, so yeah, spot on.

Speaker 2:

Get it right the first time and you're good to go Go north, go north, see you guys, see you guys, see you later.